
Employee Recognition Policy

Brief & Purpose

At Dcrayons, we believe in the power of recognizing and celebrating our employees’ achievements. This policy aims to acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and contributions of our team members, reinforcing our organizational values and promoting a culture of excellence.


This policy applies to all full-time and Part time employees of Dcrayons.


Employees can be nominated for significant contributions to the company’s success. Rewards should be meaningful and reflect the achievement. All recognitions should align with the company’s values and promote a positive work culture. Monetary rewards are separate from regular salaries or bonuses.

Nomination and selection

Nominations can be submitted by themselves, for the below criteria highlighting the nominee’s achievements.

Criteria for the Rewards

The rewards criteria depend on our salespeople and account managers who handle customer inquiries. This includes how they handle free consultations. If inquiries don’t turn into customers, they can ask for reviews on their presentations, proposed solutions, and how they explain these proposals. Customer satisfaction is vital for Dcrayons, and reviews can be left on platforms like India Mart, Fiverr, Google, or others we use.

Type of recognitions

  • General Enquiries and Proposals : – Salespersons and account managers participate by presenting proposals and demos to customers. Positive feedback for specific tasks like sales proposals and demos will be credited to the respective person. If both perform well, priority is given to the initial work.
    • Reward: Each review contributes Rs 20 and 100 review will be eligible for certification also.
  • 3rd Valid Client Reviews: When a customer praises someone’s performance, such as a salesperson’s follow-up on existing customer for work or the work of a designer, developer, or account manager, that individual becomes eligible for a review credit.
    • Reward: Movie Ticket with certification for good work.
  • 5th Valid Client Reviews: When a customer praises someone’s performance, such as a salesperson’s follow-up on existing customer for work or the work of a designer, developer, or account manager, that individual becomes eligible for a review credit.
    • Reward: Couple Movie ticket with certification for good work.
  • 10th Valid Client Reviews: When a customer praises someone’s performance, such as a salesperson’s follow-up on existing customer for work or the work of a designer, developer, or account manager, that individual becomes eligible for a review credit.
    • Reward: Couple movie ticket + 2 barbeque vouchers + 1 certificate of appreciation.
  • 15th Valid Client Reviews: When a customer praises someone’s performance, such as a salesperson’s follow-up on existing customer for work or the work of a designer, developer, or account manager, that individual becomes eligible for a review credit.
    • Reward: Feeling like a king/Queen (Couple movie ticket + 2 barbeque vouchers + One day off to redeem this + 1 certificate of appreciation + neckband/headphone)
  • One Video Client Review + Google review: When a customer praises someone’s performance, such as a salesperson’s follow-up on existing customer for work or the work of a designer, developer, or account manager, that individual becomes eligible for a review credit.
    • Reward: Instant 2k Reward with no other conditions with certificate of appreciation.

What after 15 Review

Reconsideration for the next role and Repeat cycle with benefits of next role and rest this cycle will be repeated again.


  1. Employees are required to register their reviews with the managing person. For a review to be valid, the customer must provide a valid email ID.
  2. If a customer includes two persons in their review, the rewards will be divided accordingly, such as one movie and lunch ticket for each person. However, the third person mentioned in the review will not be eligible.
  3. If no specific person is mentioned in the review, the person responsible for handling that category will be nominated for the reward. Alternatively, the person who requested the review from the customer will be considered first.
  4. Both sales person or other working team are eligible to ask for review.
  5. The review must be live on Dcrayons’ platform. If a review is removed by a particular platform due to non-compliance with their policy, it will not be considered in any case.
  6. If preview review will be removed by customer then that will not be considered.

Month End Celebrations

At the end of each month, we will celebrate our achievements, review progress, and discuss upcoming plans. This will include two consecutive months of celebrations: one with budget A and the following month with budget AAA. The first month will feature an evening event, followed by recognition for the top two performers. Additionally, all birthdays within the month will be celebrated collectively at month-end, with additional budget allocated for this occasion.

The criteria for recognizing top performers will include several factors: number of leaves taken, timely responses to customer inquiries, internal praise for good work, external client commendations (even without formal reviews), punctuality in office attendance, and consistently meeting deadlines.

The rest policy can be changed according to the time and circumstances situation, event.


At Dcrayons, we understand the importance of acknowledging our team’s efforts. Through this policy, we aim to foster a culture where excellence is recognized, celebrated, and emulated.